Monday, October 7, 2013

Needles and Pills....

Today was my first acupuncture appointment. I was a bit nervouse given my slight phobia of needles (but my monthly blood draws are helping with that) and anxious to talk with someone about a natural treatment for my issues. Believe it or not the whole experience was the most relaxed I have felt in a very long time. So relaxed I'm going to do it once a week. 

This very genuine warm hearted man entered the room, looked over my information and said in the most confident and assuring manner, "oh...well this is a very treatable condition, I just did a seminar/conference last weekend concerning infertility and anovulation, we'll take care of this". His very calm yet assertive demeanor is a welcome change from my inner dialogue of self doubt and self consciousness. 

He then laid me on the table belly up and just starting talking about all kinds of things regarding acupuncture, health and people (I think it was as much distraction as informative) then he started placing needles on my head, neck, wrists, and feet. I thought he was merely poking me with them until I saw the one in my wrist and realized they were actually in me. He put a heat lamp on my feet and my upper body then asked me if I was comfortable and said he would be back to check on me.

It was the strangest comfort I've ever felt, so calming I almost felt drugged. I immediately felt a sort of rush of heat and energy just start at my head and end at my feet. As I laid there I kept invisioning my ovaries and my uturus in good health and working the way they should. I almost fell asleep by the time he got back. Who knew needles of all things could be so relaxing!

He sent me off with a bottle if $35 Chinese herbs in which I am to take 3-4 pills 2-3 times daily. Like needles I hate swallowing pills! Since I was a kid I have been terrible at it, and yet, my life is now needles and pills galore. 10 pills a day to be exact! All because I refuse to let myself think I'm doomed to have a baby by relying in western medicine alone.

 I'm still cautious of too much wishful thinking but that magic man I saw today put a light inside me I havnt felt in years, and I'm just going to go with it. My new mission is try try new things and let go of all my self doubting and self deprecating ways. It's time for change. Tomorrow is my chiropractic appointment and I can only hope it goes so well.